Astoria Film Festival

Astoria Film Festival Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit organization and an official NYC DOE VENDOR, founded by an Astoria-born First-Gen woman with a background in media production and education, that brings filmmaking workshops, film events, film/media workforce training, and film production services to the NYC Community, with a focus on empowering aspiring and emerging filmmakers.


Festival 2025

May 29-June 2

Submit your short live action or animated films on Film Freeway by May 1 for a chance to screen in Festival 2025.

We have both a Youth Festival (under age 24) and a Main Festival.

Events this year include screenings and filmmaker panels at Zukor Theater, Kaufman Astoria Studios,

a Student Showcase at MoMI, and screenings and filmmaker panels at KCCNY.

Film Education

Astoria Film Festival provides Film/Media Production Education and Workforce Exploration and Development Programs for ages 8-adult. We have Film/Media Production Workshops in schools, after schools, high schools, colleges, and community centers, guiding participants through the film production process

from pitch to premiere.  

We also offer Internships and Media Labs to ages 16+ and support Early Career Filmmakers who are trained and paid to work as Instructors in our Youth Workshops and/or for our video production and social media arm, AFFStudio.

Our curriculum was developed by Harvard educators and industry professionals, is taught by local filmmakers and college film students who are trained by Astoria Film Festival, and by Industry Professionals who work with our students via Master Classes and Demonstrations.

Astoria Film Festival currently runs in-school, after school, and weekend programs in filmmaking, social media management, and animation at Variety Boys and Girls Club of Queens, Korean Cultural Center NY, PS166Q, MS122Q, IS429Q, PS234Q, PS212Q, Q300 Middle School, Motion Picture Tech HS, Academy for TV and Film HS (ACTVF), and HS of Art & Design. We also host interns from HS of Art & Design, ACTVF, LAGCC, and Bryant HS.

If you’re interested in having Astoria Film Festival bring our workshops to your school/after school/community center, please email astoriafilmfestival @

Upcoming Events

FEB 2- MAY 1

Media Lab

Participants announced JAN 15

Events run from FEB 2-May 1


Submissions Close


Notifications May 5


MAY 29-June 2


MOMI, Kaufman Astoria Studios, KCCNY

Short Live-Action & Animated Films by Youth , Adults, and Students

More Info


Media Lab ZOOM Lectures


Wednesdays 7:30-8:30pm


Partners & Sponsors